Phonetorch led flashlight nokia c5 free download
Phonetorch led flashlight nokia c5 free download

phonetorch led flashlight nokia c5 free download

If your phone is not hacked, then change the date to a date below the. For those phones without l.e.d can enhance the screne to illuminate white color, and even can set to other colors which you like. This enhances the l.e.d flashlight of the camera, and serves as a torchlight. PhoneTorch Symbian Series 60 3rd Edition Apps available for free download. The Special N8 version works only under dark conditions and is not as stable as the normal N8 version. This phone has a Xenon flash and thus a workaround was needed: one version uses the red camera LED light (which has quite low intensity but works under all conditions) and a Special N8 version which uses the much brighter camera focus LED light. This video demonstrates two versions for the Nokia N8 smartphone. PhoneTorch (turns your mobile phone into a full-features LED flashlight by using the camera LED flash light. › Phonetorch Led Flashlight Nokia N8 Free Download ♥ ♥

Phonetorch led flashlight nokia c5 free download